Explore the legendary Titanic with your Samsung Gear VR

Unimersiv | July 29, 2016

We just released on the Unimersiv Gear VR app a new experience that will let our users explore the Titanic in Virtual Reality!

titanic - gear vr - virtual reality

Explore the Titanic in Virtual Reality

With this brand new experience, you will be able to walk on this legendary ship and discover the exterior as well as some interior rooms of the Titanic.

Here is how to get access to this experience:
#1: Download or update the Unimersiv app from the Oculus Store (just search for “unimersiv” in the search bar of the Oculus app)
#2: Start Unimersiv
#3: You should now see 4 different experiences including the Titanic experience, select the Titanic image and you are good to go!

We would love to hear your feedback about this experience, feel free to email me with your comment at baptiste [ a t ] unimersiv.com

Want to see some screenshots of the Titanic VR experience?

Here they are:

Titanic VR - The Reception Room

Titanic VR – The Reception Room


Titanic VR - The First Class Promenade

The First Class Promenade

Here is a quick video of our work if you want to learn more:




Published July 29, 2016 in Unimersiv - 16967

We write about the use of Virtual Reality for non-gaming applications.

Would you like to write articles for our blog? Just send me an email! baptiste[ at ]unimersiv.com.

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