Using Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Education | February 13, 2017

Education and technology work together. Advancements in technology have made it easier for students to conduct research and discover information necessary for learning. Students these days are already well-versed when it comes to utilizing technology in various forms for learning: online classes, distance learning, and instructional videos are just some examples.

Schools can sign up here to use Unimersiv in the classroom.
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The Next Step is using the Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Dozens of schools and higher learning institutions are already making use of virtual reality as a key-learning medium. When used properly, virtual reality can be a potent learning tool. There are several great platforms in the market that can help schools of all kinds and sizes help their students learn more effectively, such as Unimersiv.

Virtual Reality Creates Interest for Students

Students will always gravitate towards watching or experiencing something in order to learn it, as opposed to reading or being lectured. Virtual reality provides the ideal technology to make learning almost anything more interesting and fun to students because it has the ability to create interesting experiences that, most of the time, aren’t possible in real life. This kind of learning will motivate students to learn more effectively.


Teachers can explore Ancient Rome in Virtual Reality with their students

VR Can Help Students Boost Digital Skills

Using Virtual reality in schools can help students improve digital confidence, which has become a crucial skill for success in today’s day and age. This is something that books and classrooms alone can’t do. The virtual reality experience can help students of all ages become more interested in the information economy and how it works in today’s connected world. Success for students and adults these days requires some level of competency in technology. Using a virtual reality classroom can provide students with opportunities where they can apply their skills in a safe environment before they utilize it in the real world.

Virtual Reality Improves Student Engagement

Creating productive engagement with classes has always been a challenge for teachers. Through virtual reality, this aspect can easily be managed. Students will always enjoy talking about their virtual reality experience with teachers. Additionally, virtual reality can become an indispensable tool for giving students fun, inspirational, and motivational new ways of learning. When teachers give students an avenue for fun education, students will want to learn more instead of having to suppress their interest in learning.

VR and Game-Based Educational Experiences

For both children and adults, most schools offer boring and mundane environments. Laboratory work, lectures, reading assignments, and homework can eventually be dull to even the smartest kids; they become but a necessary evil. On the other hand, everyone enjoys games; even adults. VR games give students new ways of solving problems and learning new skills in various subject matters.

VR Gives Students What Would Otherwise Be Impossible Experiences

When kids begin to learn technical matters in fields such as engineering or mechanics, they won’t be getting any valuable hands-on experiences in the subject matter until they actually land a job. With virtual reality, this is all changing: students can have the ability to fine-tune their skills and have the opportunity to work on things that would otherwise be impossible because of the hazards involved. Teachers can give students VR tools and immerse their students in extraordinary environments without worrying about their safety. For example, students working in mechanics can work on an oil change using only virtual reality. This kind of scenario can better prepare them for the real-life situation without putting them in dangerous environments.

Using Virtual Reality, teachers can take their students on a field-trip to explore the Acropolis of Athens as it was 2000 years ago or inside the International Space Station


Teachers can now take their students to impossible field trips using Virtual Reality

VR is Customizable

When it comes to virtual reality in schools, one size doesn’t fit all – and this is a huge advantage for both students and teachers. There are hundreds of different options available in the market that cater to a broad spectrum of educational needs as well as budgets. Organizations can also choose how they want to carry out their own VR learning experience, and they can also choose to modify the program over time.

VR Inspires Creative Learning

Educational facilities have suffered from the lack of creative learning for several decades. By utilizing virtual reality, schools can create a whole new way of understanding various subject matters that can entice the mind of students from all walks of life. This kind of new learning environment can encourage students to learn more. Provided that students are guided on how to properly enjoy the experience, it can be easily accepted and liked as a form of learning.

Using virtual reality in the classroom is just one way that this technology is going to revolutionize the way learning is done today. VR can be modified to cater to students of different ages and interests while adapting to various learning styles. Last but not the least, virtual reality can also accommodate the needs of students who prefer either peer teaching or group learning. No matter what the student or teachers’ needs are, there is a virtual reality solution that can help.


Published February 13, 2017 in Education - 25490

We write about the use of Virtual Reality for non-gaming applications.

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