Education | April 11, 2015
Hello everyone,
Since the first time we used our Oculus DK2, we’ve been convinced that virtual reality could disrupt education as we know it and some amazing experiences like Apollo 11 just proved that…
That’s why whe are building Unimersiv, a platform dedicated to virtual reality courses on which VR developers will be able to share and sell their educational content. We envision a world where people will be able to learn anything faster (sports, sciences, history…) through their VR headset. Let me remind you that according to Edgar Gale’s Cone of Learning the human brain tends to remember 10% of what it reads, 20% of what it hear but 90% of what it does or simulate.
We would love to hear your feedback about this idea, is VR educational content something you appreciate? As a developer, would you publish your content on Unimersiv? (by the way, don’t hesitate to contact me if you are currently working on a VR course –
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