You will soon be able to explore the Titanic with your Samsung Gear VR

Unimersiv | May 23, 2016

Hello everyone!

First of all, thank you so much to all of the people who downloaded and used our Gear VR app, Unimersiv. We launched it two weeks ago on the Oculus Store as a concept and it was a real success!  We received a lot of supportive emails from you and we really appreciate it.

As always, feel free to send me your feedback or questions about the app at baptiste [ at ]

Today, we have a great update to share with you. As you may already know, our goal is to publish new educational experiences on the Unimersiv app every month and we are really happy to announce that you will soon be able to explore the Titanic with your Samsung Gear VR!

We only have a few screenshots to share with you today but more info should be coming soon.

Titanic - Gear VR

Titanic at night


Titanic - Gear VR - First Class Promenade

First Class Promenade


Titanic - Gear VR - Reception Room

Reception Room


Titanic - Gear VR - Grand Staircase

Grand Staircase

Titanic - Gear VR

We are planning on releasing the Titanic experience in the Unimersiv app in June so stay tuned!

Published May 23, 2016 in Unimersiv - 36942

We write about the use of Virtual Reality for non-gaming applications.

Would you like to write articles for our blog? Just send me an email! baptiste[ at ]

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