10 Reasons to Integrate Virtual Reality In Your School

Education | May 24, 2017

Are you wondering about the potential benefits of bringing virtual reality (VR) to your school? Like many educators, you’ve probably become intrigued by the ideal of implementing VR into your classroom lessons. In fact, there have already been a number of studies published about the benefits of VR in the classroom, as well as, success stories from school pilot programs.

Thus far, the findings have been overwhelmingly positive with teachers and students alike praising VR technology in the classroom. If you are still on the fence about whether or not you should give VR a try in your school, here are 10 reasons to integrate VR into your school.

1. Expand Your Offerings

Students are now using VR in a wide range of subjects. By introducing VR into your school, you can expand your offerings to include additional areas of study and supplement existing teaching materials.

2. Project-based Learning

Offering project-based learning that incorporates VR creates an environment in your school that fosters innovation and helps to promote the desired outcome of mastery of the material.

3. Introduce Different Perspective

Complex subjects are best taught from a variety of different perspectives in order to provide students with in-depth knowledge. With VR, you can introduce students to philosophy, art history and other topics in more robust ways.

4. Create Cyber-safe Classrooms

Using VR technology in the classroom eliminates the risks commonly associated with lesson plans that involve use of the internet. With VR software, students can only access the content that has been created for them so there is no risk of them browsing websites or viewing materials that are not suitable for children.

5. Make Learning Fun Again

Many teachers struggle with finding ways to make boring topics fun and exciting for kids. VR offers a way for teachers to engage their students in the lessons, making it easier for their students to pay attention. In addition, students will love the fact that they’ll actually be allowed to use their smartphones in class.

6. Provide Language Immersion

Teaching a foreign language in a traditional classroom setting is challenging. With VR, students can learn languages and get a first hand experience of how words are used in everyday settings.

7. Go on Virtual Field Trips

While taking multiple field trips throughout the school year can be cost-prohibitive, a virtual field trip is practically free. Using Unimersiv to take your students on an exciting adventure will allow your students to become immersed in a virtual environment that has been specifically designed to provide educational value. As the tour guides, teachers can deliver knowledge to their students as the students observe the historical points of interest, scientific virtual environments, and much more.


Explore Ancient Rome in Virtual Reality

8. Foster Social Relationships Among Students

VR technology has been proven to foster social relationships among students when used in the classroom. Additionally, it can also help students build self-confidence.

9. Solve Student Learning Challenges

With VR, students can learn at their own pace. This allows teachers to provide gifted students with the extra attention that they need while also addressing the challenges that struggling students face.

10. Demonstrate That Your School Is Technologically Advanced

These days, many parents are looking to enroll their children in schools that place a strong emphasis on technology and science. Given that many jobs in the future will require these important skills, your school can appeal to parents concerns by becoming one of the first schools in your area to integrate this advanced technology into your school’s curriculum.

At Unimersiv, we want to help educators stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new ideas for integrating technology into schools. Sign up today to receive more details on how to bring VR in your classroom.


Published May 24, 2017 in Education - 25527

We write about the use of Virtual Reality for non-gaming applications.

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